25 Apr 2018


Working for others has been a lifelong habit of human beings; we see it as a way to care for both ourselves and our loved ones. But most of us are not comfortable working for others, for some reasons, one being that working for others did not afford you the luxuries of exhibiting your full potentials.

The other reasons being that you are not being paid your worth; your boss decides what to give you for your time. With these and other reasons not mentioned here makes it pertinent for you to quit your day job. I have been there before, these 10 habits help me to quit my day job and become my own boss! What are there, but wait a minute; before quitting your day job you must first put in place what you’ll be doing for a living.

Just as the saying goes “if you want to build a tower you must first sit down and count the cost’’. Now that you want to quit your job, what work are you going to be doing to care for both yourself and your loved ones! It will be wise to think of what you’ll be doing for a living, what I did ever before I quit my job was, I start to improve my passion for writing.

BAD NEWS: Before you quit your day work and wear the cap of an Entrepreneur, get these facts straight “Statistics shows that million new businesses are starts every day but only 10% of the new startups really the light of the day!” thus as an entrepreneur you’ll be up against many odds!. With the right attitude, you can excel others have so you can!

GOOD NEWS: With the advent of the Internet you can learn any skill of your choice, which you can use to start a lucrative business with. All you need to have is strong drive to succeed and a must-win attitude, coupled with patient and persistence you will excel after all Rome was not build in a day! Before you engage in any business make sure that others are making money with that business, then go in and make your mark in it. With these basic facts in mind let us go over to the attitude you need to nail your transition;

(1). DESIRE: Being your own boss is both exciting and intimidating, why? Because you need to make and implement every decision that is why strong desire is needed to save the day. Yes, it is true you are the boss now if you don’t have the strong desire you can’t get things done when it need be. The desire to do well as a stand_ alone will help you to do all the dirty works that are necessary to succeed in your quest.
(2). SET A GOAL: Probably, you have a lot about goal setting, it is what will help you to stay focus on your desired course, but how do you set an effective goal or what makes your goal effective? The goal must be specific and realistic, it must also have a time limit. You will be able to take the required actions when your goal has the elements above.

(3). SET A BUDGET: When I want to quit my day job the third thing I consider was the money! How much do I want to use in this new pursuit? So when you decide how much to use write it down, don’t try to invest too much on it at first until you see the result of your first investment.

(4). START SMALL. As I said above starting a new business to help you quit your day job did not to be world class Company, rather start small with small capital that you can manage well. Then you can upgrade when you gain more experience and expertise
(5). ACCEPT FAILURE: You will experience setback at the beginning of your transition from day job to being your own boss, but don’t let it scare you for it is nature’s way of testing your resolve to quit your day job. Every person who is starting out in a project must encounter failure, it is part of your training learn the lesson and move on do not let failure to stop you from your pursuit

(6). ASSOCIATE WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE: The kind of people you associate with when starting any new project can make or break you! So the question is who are your close associates? Are they striving to achieve the kind pursuit like you or are they acting as a drawback? The popular saying “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are” is very fitting here! Thus associating with the right people will make your transition smooth and easy, they will act as your support system.

(7). AVOID GET RICH QUICK SCHEME: There is nothing like getting rich quick! It is a scam! It really sucks! I have tried several and fails badly if you really want to excel as an entrepreneur; instead of gambling invest in your personal development. Build your skills and increase your knowledge in your field to get an edge over your competitors you’ll excel.

(8). LEVERAGE THE INTERNET: We are living in a fast-paced era to succeed you need to be fast-paced too. Take full advantage of the technological tools at your disposal and make good use of it. Thanks to the internet, you can sell anything to people the world over without even leaving your room.

(9). GET A MENTOR: In the world, the only person who did not copy what others do was our father Adam; since he was the only person on the earth; all of us copy from each other. Thus you must have someone to guide you to make your work easier since there will be no trial and error. Having a mentor who achieved what you desire will make your transition smooth with less stress. So get a mentor!

(10). INVEST IN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Changes is the only thing that is permanent in this life, if you don’t continue to learn you’ll stagnate and your competitors will overtake you! So read books both in your field and others, attend lectures and seminars. Always listen to audio recordings of motivational speakers. If you follow and apply the above points diligently your transition from day job to entrepreneur will be smooth and stress _free like mine!

So you can quit your day job if you really want to! Many people are doing so daily so get on the train see you on board! For more information on how to quit your 9-5 job feel free to visit my blog@www.bendysmartlifetips.blogspot.com

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