25 Jan 2018


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Remember, I started my first post by saying, that your Attitude determines the kind of life you will live! Ponder over this old saying that, “It is not your Aptitude but your Attitude that determine your Altitude” Thus if you are genuinely positive and optimistic, many doors of opportunities will be open to you, while others will be wondering!
Before I go ahead to show you the only way to creating your own smart life, please permit me to tell you a little story. It about an old man who was very wise that no matter any question you ask him he will answer you correctly, people respected him very well because of his wisdom.

One day, some boys who had once visited the old man and was floored by his wisdom, decide that they are going to prove that old man wrong caught a bird and went to meet the man, when they got there their leader step forward with the bird in his hand and ask the old man if the bird is dead or alive? The old man looking at his mischievous face, and said to the bird is in your hands! So the old man did not say if the bird is alive or dead! They were amazed at his wisdom!

What is the moral lesson we can learn from this story, is that whatever you want in life is in your own hand, you are in control of everything that happen to you! The kind life you live today is as a result of the decision you make or fail to make, thus your future or the kind of life you want to live is in your Hands! That said let us take a word of wisdom from Longfellow who once wrote, “Those heights by great men, won and kept, were not achieved by sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night”. Now we would say successful people are those who are toiling upward in the night, while their companions are busy chatting on social media platform and playing video games or even watching TV programs.  

Now, the only way to creating smart life is by creating your own business that is being an entrepreneur! Yes! I mean an online entrepreneur, you see my friend opportunities abound online for every hard working person who really want to create smart life for himself! You can start business online with as low as $100, and scale it up to a multi million dollars business! The only limitation is in your heart! If you believe you can do, you will! So brace up for action. If you did have a skill you can start as a freelance worker first, then move to other things really job are in high demand online, people are looking for people to do different kind of job for them online. Job such as; web design, graphic design, data entry, photo editing, virtual assistance, updating blog, copy writing, and on and on.

 As you can see there is much to do online! Pick the one that suit your skill and start work immediately! If you say, you didn’t have skill? Then go online there so many tutorials there to learn any skill of your choice! I will be listing out sites address to help you to get the best. My only advice is you should book mark this site! In my next post we will take detail of these work and how you can benefit from it, to create smart life!

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